tirsdag 3. november 2009


part 2

Today is our sixth day here. We are now in the town Allahabad, which lies right beside Ganges. Today we were down by the river Gnges, it is honestly packed with people. The indians are truly crazy about their holy river. It is said that it rinses your soul. The rinsing of soul part wasn't the only thing they were doing in that river. They were also washing their clothes, themselves, the cows, and god knows what the rest of them were doing in there. Truly fascinating anyway.

I am now sitting in the windowsill of my hostelroom writing this. My brother and I was really lucky to get a place in this hostel, it is aparntly a popular hotel, among the locals and tourists. Not really surprising though, conidering the great location. I'ts located right by the river, by the most popular "bathing" place.

There's a big Hindu festival going on now. It is called the Ardh Kumbh Mela festival, millions of Hindus come here, to the festival, which by the way is in february. It is estimated that twenty million people dip themselves in the river during this religious festival.

Regarding that this is a Hindu festival it isn't surprising how many people travel here because of this festival. Out of Indias 1.16 billion pepople, 80 % of Indias population are Hindus. Around 70 million people come here during the festival. The festival isn't arranged every year, it's arranged every twelfth year.

The religious festivals are very important to the Indians. They are the big social gatherings for Indians, religion is in general important for Indians in a social aspect. Religion is offcourse important in other aspects as well here in India.

I have actually forgot to mention anything about food we have been eating. WE have actually eaten a lot of mango, or well I anyway. The mango is Indias national fruit, it is cheep, delicious, and my absolute number one favourite fruit! The indian food home is completely different from home. You honestly havenæt tasted Indian food before you come to India. My mouth already has started to get used to the completely different amount of spice they use here! One of the first days I tasted a tikka masala, and I thought my mouth took fire! and I have eaten a lot of Indian food before!

I have to sleep now, got a nother day waiting for me tomorrow, a new day with new opportunities, I can't wait!


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