tirsdag 6. oktober 2009

Blood Diamond

Blood Diamond

This wasn't the first time i have seen this film, I have acttually seen it several times, still though, it touches me every time. It is such a well made film. The scenery, pictures, music, setting, it is all so well put together and composed.

The film is very strong, and makes you think how lucky you are, and how unlucky so many other people are. It shows that the world is unfair, and it is difficult to be good in a world like this. It shows you the beckside of things, and how things and buisness really work out. What is great is that the film didn't just open my eyes, but it seeemed like it also opened the worlds eyes.

In the end of the film they show you a text about the diamond treaty which was made, and that blood diamonds are going more of the marked. The scary thing though is that you can't even be sure if you are buying a blood diamond, or if you are buying a diamond found without all the suffering, or if they are mixed.

After seeing this film the first time some of my friends and me made our own treaty, about never buyind any diamonds. It will not change the world, but it might make a slight difference.

The film isn't only about diamond, it is about a lot more. It is about how the world works and how difficult it is to change it. It is also about the way peole think and act. I thought it was great what the man that owned the children's home said: I don't think people are good or bad, i just think they are people, who can do good or bad actions.

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